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Saluran Drainase Jl Sunter Cipinang Melayu Dibersihkan
photo Nurito -

Personnel Clean Up Channel Manually on Jalan Sunter Cipinang Melayu

Today, as many as 6 PPSU personnel of Cipinang Melayu Urban Village were deployed to cleaned channel on Jalan Sunter RT. 01/04, Cipinang Melayu, Makasar, East Jakarta.

We hope it can increase channel's capacity and drain water optimally

Cipinang Melayu Urban Village Head, Agus Sulaeman mentioned, cleaning was carried out along 100 meters with channel's width of 1 meter by dredging the mud sedimentation and garbage from the channel.

"We clean the channel to anticipate inundation and flooding in the region," he conveyed, Thursday (10/8).

Gulkarmat Personnel Clean Up Three Channels in Utan Kayu Selatan

Personnel cleaned the channel manually using simple tools such as hoe, fork, dustpan, and sacks.

"We hope it can increase channel's capacity and drain water optimally," he stated.

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